
Megaluh Health Center Holds Mobile Health Screening,Residents Enthusiastically Undergo the Examination

Megaluh Health Center Holds Mobile Health Screening, Residents Enthusiastically Undergo the Examination

JOMBANG-ASWINNEWS.COM- On Friday, February 14, 2025, Megaluh Health Center again implemented the Mobile Health Screening on Fridays (SKKJ) program which this time took place at the Al-Khoir Mosque, Megaluh District.

This activity aims to detect early the risk of non-communicable diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, through a series of free health checks.

The SKKJ program includes risk factor checks, blood pressure checks, and blood sugar checks for participants at risk, accompanied by health counseling services.

With this activity, it is hoped that the community will be more concerned about their health conditions and can take preventive measures early.

This activity was enthusiastically welcomed by the residents who attended. One of the participants, Siti (45), admitted that she was helped by this screening.

“I now know my blood pressure and blood sugar. If there is something abnormal, it can be treated immediately,” she said.

Takmir of Al-Khoir Mosque, Mr. Zainudin Arif, who also serves as Village Head and Head of the local Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Branch, expressed his gratitude to the Megaluh Health Center for organizing this event.

“We really appreciate the Megaluh Health Center’s initiative in increasing public health awareness. Hopefully activities like this can continue,” he said.

The Megaluh Health Center appealed to the public to routinely check their health and implement a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the recommendations of the Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas). With this program, it is hoped that public health awareness in Megaluh District will increase, so that cases of non-communicable diseases can be suppressed.

Mif, Jombang Bureau


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