
Maintaining the Continuity of Practices from Sya’ban to Ramadhan

Maintaining the Continuity of Practices from Sya’ban to Ramadhan

By: Abah Roy
Chairman of DPC ASWIN Cirebon

On the way to the holy month of Ramadan, Sya’ban has an important role as a month of preparation. The Prophet ﷺ fasted a lot this month, indicating that Sha’ban is the right time to train oneself in worship before entering a month full of blessings. As mentioned in the hadith of Aisyah r.a., he said:

“I have never seen Rasulullah ﷺ fast more in one month than Sha’ban.” (HR. Bukhari & Muslim)

This hadith shows that Sha’ban is not just an ordinary month, but a momentum to increase charity and prepare oneself to welcome Ramadan.

Connecting the Practices of Sya’ban and Ramadhan

Some practices carried out in Sya’ban should be continued in Ramadhan, so that worship becomes lighter and consistent:

1. Sunnah Fasting Towards Obligatory Fasting
Fasting in Sya’ban trains the body and soul to be more prepared to face the obligation of fasting in the month of Ramadhan. People who are used to it will find it easier to fast with full sincerity.

2. Increasing the Recitation of the Qur’an
If in Sya’ban we have started to get used to reading the Qur’an, then in Ramadhan we can increase its intensity. Ramadhan is known as “Syahrul Qur’an” or the month of the Qur’an, so reading and contemplating it becomes a very important practice.

3. Increasing Dhikr and Prayer
Sya’ban is a good time to increase istighfar, shalawat, and prayer, including asking for forgiveness and ease in carrying out the worship of Ramadhan. Consistency in dhikr will help keep the heart calm and close to Allah SWT.

4. Maintain Alms
If someone already likes giving alms in Sha’ban, then giving alms in Ramadhan – a month full of blessings and multiple rewards – will become easier. Rasulullah ﷺ himself was the most generous person, and in the month of Ramadan his generosity increased (HR. Bukhari & Muslim).

5. Get used to night prayers
Sya’ban can be an exercise to get used to night prayers or qiyamul lail, so that when Ramadhan enters, the tarawih and tahajjud services feel lighter and full of solemnity.

Continuing Consistency After Ramadan

Ramadan is not the culmination of worship, but rather the starting point for a Muslim to continue to maintain goodness. Rasulullah ﷺ recommended fasting for 6 days in the month of Shawwal to complete Ramadan (HR. Muslim). Likewise, the habits of reading the Koran, giving alms and maintaining good morals should continue after Ramadan so that they become habits of life.


The continuity of practice from Sha’ban to Ramadan, and even after, shows a Muslim’s istiqamah in worship. Don’t let us just be enthusiastic about worshiping during Ramadan, then become careless afterward. May Allah SWT give us the strength to continue to istiqamah in goodness and make Ramadhan a point of change towards a better life.

Cirebon,February 13, 2025


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