Bengkalis Police Foil International Narcotics Smuggling Network
BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM – Bengkalis Police have again made an achievement in eradicating narcotics by uncovering an international drug smuggling network in the waters of Sepahat Beach, Bandar Laksamana District.
The joint operation involving the Elang Malaka Team of the Bengkalis Police Narcotics Unit, Bukit Batu Police, and Bengkalis Customs was carried out on Wednesday (12/2/2025) night. In the action, two suspects with the initials B (35) and I (21) were successfully secured. The confiscated evidence included 90 packages of crystal methamphetamine, 10 packages of ecstasy pills, two mobile phones, and one speedboat with an 85 PK engine.
Bengkalis Police Chief AKBP Budi Setiawan stated that the two suspects were couriers who often smuggled narcotics by sea. “This perpetrator has committed similar acts more than once. We will continue to investigate this case to its network and ensure that they are punished according to applicable law,” he said in a press release, Thursday (13/02/2025).
This success is a major step in efforts to stop the circulation of narcotics entering Indonesia, especially through Bengkalis. The Bengkalis Police together with related officers are committed to tightening supervision and patrols in the waters to prevent narcotics smuggling.
Author: Desi Mayasari
Editor: Ardes
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