
Accompanying Farmer Groups to Create Rice Seeding Lands,Babinsa Succeeds in National Food Security

Accompanying Farmer Groups to Create Rice Seeding Lands, Babinsa Succeeds in National Food Security

CIREBON CITY-ASWINNEWS.COM- In the second planting season, Babinsa Pegambiran Sub-district Koramil 1403/Lemahwungkuk Sertu Yanto, together with the Sirandu Jaya Farmer Group (Poktan) Pegambiran Sub-district, Cirebon City, played an active role in assisting the rice seeding process in the local area, Monday, February 10, 2025.

This activity aims to support local food security and increase agricultural production in the area.

The rice seeding for the second planting season was carried out very carefully and followed the correct procedures to ensure the quality of the rice seeds that would later be planted.

Babinsa, which is part of the TNI, has a strategic role in providing assistance and education to farmers, especially regarding effective and efficient farming methods.

According to Dandim 0614/Cirebon City through Danramil 1403/Lemahwungkuk, Captain Inf Karyono, this mentoring activity is one of the real manifestations of the TNI’s role in supporting the agricultural sector.

“Babinsa is not only tasked with security, but also plays an important role in agricultural activities. Mentoring Poktan Sirandu Jaya is expected to help farmers in facing the challenges of the second planting season which is quite crucial,” he said.

This activity was welcomed by Poktan Sirandu members, who felt very helped by the presence of Babinsa in the field.

“We are very happy to receive direct mentoring from Babinsa. This really helps us in managing the land and preparing rice sowing properly,” said the Head of Poktan Sirandu Jaya, Saroji.

In addition, Babinsa Kel. Pegambiran Sertu Yanto, also provided motivation to farmers to remain enthusiastic in farming despite facing various challenges such as weather and pest attacks.

“We will continue to communicate with farmers to ensure that the entire process runs smoothly,” he said.

With this kind of assistance, it is expected that the rice harvest in the second planting season can increase, which in turn will have an impact on improving farmer welfare and food security in the region. Babinsa and Poktan Sirandu Jaya showed good collaboration in realizing this goal.

This assistance activity also reflects the TNI’s commitment to helping the community, especially in the agricultural sector, which is one of the vital sectors in the lives of the Indonesian people, as well as to realize the government’s national food security program.

*Wahidin, Cirebon bureau


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