
Commemorating the 78th Anniversary,HMI Medical Commissariat Holds Mass Circumcision in Tongole Village

Commemorating the 78th Anniversary, HMI Medical Commissariat Holds Mass Circumcision in Tongole Village

TERNATE, MALUT ASWINNEWS.COM- The Islamic Student Association (HMI) of the Unkhair Medical Commissariat showed its spirit of devotion to the community, in the form of mass circumcision. This was done as an effort by the commissariat to celebrate the 78th HMI Anniversary, in Tongole Village, on Sunday, February 9, 2025.

Based on historical literature, HMI was founded as an antithesis of the conditions of the community and nation at that time, and on this 78th anniversary, HMI has proven how it contributed to maintaining the nation’s sovereignty.

According to Safril Ismal, General Chair of the Medical Commissariat, this activity involved all members of the commissariat, and the doctors in charge, namely Dr. Fathul Rizky M.Kes and Dr. Fajriah A Somadayo.

This activity was also accompanied by mass circumcision for residents of Tongole Village, who were quite enthusiastic in this activity.

In addition, this activity is an additional learning strategy for medical students, to train skills in using surgical instruments.

We are very grateful, through this mass circumcision activity has made it easier for residents of Tongole Village.

“We express our gratitude, because it has helped and lightened the performance of the village in terms of circumcision,” said the Head of Tongole Village.

Abdullah Assegaf
Malut Bureau


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