
Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Forestry Hold Agroforestry Planting

Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Forestry Hold Agroforestry Planting

INDRAMAYU-ASWINNEWS.COM- The President Director of Perum Perhutani attended the simultaneous planting of dry land rice food agroforestry (gogo) and multipurpose plants or Multipurpose Tree Species (MPTS).

The event, which was centered in the KTH Tani Jaya 4 community forest area covering 5 hectares, is located in plot 40 of the Bantarhuni Forest Management Resort, Sanca Forest Management Unit, Indramayu Forest Management Unit, and was opened directly by the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman together with the Minister of Forestry (Menhut) Raja Juli Antoni on Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

Food agroforestry is a sustainable forest management system that is applied in state forest areas or customary forests.

This system involves local communities or customary law communities as the main actors in improving welfare, environmental balance, and socio-cultural dynamics.

The presence of Perhutani President Director Wahyu Kuncoro accompanied by Operational Director Natalas Anis Harjanto, Head of the West Java and Banten Regional Division Yudha Suswardhanto accompanied by Deputy Head of the Regional Division Janten Cucu Suparman, Indramayu KPH Administrator Cecep Suryaman and staff, Indramayu Regent Nina Agustina accompanied by the Head of the Related Agency and other stakeholders.

Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman emphasized that the utilization of dry land through an intercropping system with food crops has the potential to reach 500,000 hectares, of which around 389,000 hectares are in social forestry areas and other forestry lands.

“This is extraordinary, planting of intercropping agroforestry rice can reach 1 million hectares. If we do it well, God willing, Indonesia will achieve self-sufficiency faster. The President strongly supports the agricultural sector, from fertilizers, seeds, to agricultural machinery,” said the Minister of Agriculture in his statement.

Meanwhile, Forestry Minister Raja Juli Antoni emphasized that planting dryland rice on forest land is part of the government’s strategy to optimize food crop production, according to President Prabowo Subianto’s direction.

“I was ordered to maximize forest potential. This is not opening new forests, but rather revitalizing land that previously experienced drought so that it can be productive again with dryland rice,” he said.

In the same place, Indramayu KPH Administrator Cecep Suryaman confirmed that the dryland rice planting activity was in the Community Forest area of ​​the Forest Farmers Group (KTH) Tani Jaya 4 plot 40e. The location is still under the supervision of Perum Perhutani KPH Indramayu.



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