
Resam Lapis Village Government Appreciates Joint Kompang Practice with PKBS to Preserve Culture

Resam Lapis Village Government Appreciates Joint Kompang Practice with PKBS to Preserve Culture

The Resam Lapis Village Government through the Acting (Pj) Village Head Muhammad Haris Pahlevi expressed his appreciation for the Joint Kompang Practice activity initiated by the Bantan Serumpun Kompang Association (PKBS). This event was held on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at the Nurul Islam Jami’un Mosque, Resam Lapis Village, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency.

The activity was attended by PKBS members along with a number of senior colleagues, creating a warm and harmonious atmosphere. The aim is to strengthen friendship while maintaining unity in preserving the art of percussion, one of Indonesia’s unique cultural heritages.

When confirmed, the Acting Head of Resam Lapis Village Muhammad Haris Pahlevi expressed his support for this activity. “Kompang is not just a musical art, but a symbol of our unity and cultural identity. Joint practice like this is a real step to preserve traditional art while strengthening relationships in the community,” he said.

He also hopes that activities like this can become a routine agenda. “Hopefully this activity fosters togetherness and increases love for local culture. In addition, the art of percussion kompang must continue to be preserved even though the times continue to develop,” he added.

The practice event was lively and full of enthusiasm. In closing, a joint prayer was said so that togetherness and the preservation of cultural arts are maintained. The Resam Lapis Village Government also emphasized its commitment to supporting activities that promote local cultural heritage as part of Indonesia’s cultural wealth.

Author: ardes


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