
Gas Station in Wonosari Receives Public Appreciation Thanks to Efficient Sales System

Gas Station in Wonosari Receives Public Appreciation Thanks to Efficient Sales System

BENGKALIS – ASWINNEWS.COM– One of the gas stations on Jalan Wonosari Tengah, Wonosari Village, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, has received widespread appreciation from the local community with its fair, transparent, and efficient sales system which is considered successful in overcoming the problem of gas shortages that previously often occurred, especially in Wonosari Village.

The gas station managed by Akang Gas has implemented innovative steps such as limiting purchases to local residents only and prohibiting purchases exceeding daily needs. This system is designed to ensure more even gas distribution and prevent hoarding. In addition, the names of buyers are recorded to ensure fairness in distribution.

“Now we don’t have to worry about running out of gas anymore. The queue system is also neat, so everyone can get a share,” said Mrs. Siti, a resident of Wonosari Village, Saturday, February 1, 2025

The station also uses simple technology to provide information to residents about the distribution schedule and availability of gas stock. This helps residents manage their time without having to wait long at the depot without certainty.

In a separate place, Mrs. Rahma, another resident, expressed her appreciation for the initiative. “We really appreciate this initiative. We hope this system can be implemented in other places so that gas distribution is more even,” she said.

The community hopes that this system will continue to run well, especially approaching certain times such as holidays, where gas demand usually increases. With innovations like this, gas depots will not only be a place for transactions, but also a symbol of concern for the needs of the community.

Author: Ardes


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