
Will the January 19,2025,Ceasefire Erase the Greater Israel Concept ?

Will the January 19, 2025, Ceasefire Erase the Greater Israel Concept?

By Abahroy

The ceasefire implemented on January 19, 2025, has drawn international attention. This measure was taken to de-escalate the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, which has claimed numerous lives. However, a critical question arises: can this ceasefire impact the “Greater Israel” concept, an ideological notion often fueling tensions in the region?

What Is the Greater Israel Concept?

The “Greater Israel” concept refers to a specific ideological belief held by certain groups in Israel, claiming broader territories as part of the Jewish historical homeland. These territories include large parts of Palestinian land and sometimes extend to neighboring countries like Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt, depending on the interpretation. Although not an official policy of the Israeli government, this idea is often used to justify the expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Goals and Impact of the Ceasefire

The current ceasefire aims to halt violence in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israeli territories. Besides allowing humanitarian efforts to take place, it also opens the door to peaceful dialogue between the two sides. However, ending violence does not guarantee the immediate resolution of ideological and political conflicts like the “Greater Israel” concept.

This ceasefire may serve as a starting point for reducing tensions but will not automatically erase such deep-rooted ideologies. Addressing these issues requires a long-term approach involving diplomacy, education, and international agreements.

What Is Needed to Erase This Concept?

1. International Agreements: Resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict requires the involvement of international entities, such as the UN, to ensure fair and binding resolutions for all parties.

2. Two-State Solution: Establishing two nations living peacefully side by side within agreed-upon boundaries could mitigate the “Greater Israel” concept.

3. Peace Education: Building public awareness to abandon extreme ideological claims is crucial for creating long-term stability.

4. International Pressure: Global powers must exert political and economic pressure to stop the expansion of illegal settlements.


The January 19, 2025, ceasefire is a significant step toward reducing violence and fostering peace efforts. However, it does not immediately erase the “Greater Israel” concept, which remains a deeply embedded ideological conflict. Collective, sustained, and long-term efforts by various parties are essential to achieve lasting peace in the region.

Only through justice and sincere dialogue can the hope for a peaceful future for Israel and Palestine be realized.

Cirebon, January 19, 2025


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