Bilogai Residents Were Enthusiastic To Welcomed HABEMA’S Social Communication

Bilogai Residents Were Enthusiastic To Welcomed HABEMA’S Social Communication

Sugapa Intan The Infantry Battalion Task Force (Satgas Yonif) Raider 509/Balawara Yudha Kostrad, part of the TNI HABEMA Operation Command, had carried out its mission for the RI-PNG Border Mobilization Operation, specifically in the Intan Jaya District, Central Papua Province. On Friday, December 13, 2024, Satgas Yonif 509 Kostrad, led directly by Commander of TK J2 First Lieutenant Inf Muh. Fardhana, had conducted a Social Communication (Komsos) with the residents of Bilogai Village, Sugapa District, while performing security patrols in the area.

The Commander of Satgas Yonif 509 Kostrad, Lieutenant Colonel Inf Dian Dessiawan Setyadi, had emphasized to the TNI soldiers the importance of the Task Force’s attention to the basic needs of the community around the Post. Therefore, on that Friday, the soldiers had utilized their area patrols as an opportunity to interact and communicate with the residents of Bilogai Village. This interaction had occurred when the Patrol Team passed through the Bilogai area. “We wanted our presence here to bring real benefits, not only to maintain security stability but also to build closeness with the community. This simple assistance is a manifestation of our concern for the residents,” said First Lieutenant Inf Muh. Fardhana.

While maintaining security during the activity, harmonious communication had taken place between the TNI soldiers and the residents. In the communication, the residents had shared updates on the security situation in Bilogai Village, which had been relatively safe and peaceful. One resident, Mama Yohana, could not hide her gratitude and emotion. “We had felt very cared for by the TNI soldiers. Their presence had made us feel safe and looked after. We had been very thankful for all of this kindness,” she had expressed.

“The initiative of Satgas Yonif 509 Kostrad to conduct Komsos with the residents of Bilogai Village was a form of the TNI’s mission to carry out inclusive Social Communication with all parties in the operational area, in order to support efforts to accelerate development in Papua,” said the Commander of HABEMA, Brigadier General TNI Lucky Avianto, after receiving the report on the activity.

Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho


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