Ilaga Puncak, Media – The Raider 323 Infantry Battalion Task Force (Satgas Yonif Raider 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad), part of TNI HABEMA Command, conducted border security operations in Puncak Regency, Central Papua Province,on Monday, December 9, 2024.

The Satgas engaged in a social communication activity (Komsos) during their patrol in Kalebut Village. The Komsos aimed to foster harmonious relations with the local community while monitoring the security situation in the area.

The Commander of Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad, Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Tri Wiratno, had emphasized the importance of assisting the local community during their operational duties. Following this directive, the soldiers utilized their patrol time to interact with the residents who stopped by their post on that Monday.

During the interaction, the soldiers took the opportunity to strengthen community bonds by inviting the visitors to share lunch with them. The residents joyfully accepted the invitation, appreciating the warm gesture. One resident, Roni Sondegau, expressed his gratitude, saying,

“Thank you, Commander 323. God bless.”

“The initiative by Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad to conduct Komsos with the residents of Kalebut Village reflected TNI’s commitment to fostering inclusive social communication with all societal layers in operational areas, contributing to the acceleration of development in Papua,” stated Brigadier General TNI Lucky Avianto, Commander of HABEMA, after receiving the activity report.

Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho


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