HABEMA’S ROSITA Motivated Residents From Mumugu Village
Krepkuri Nduga, MediaHabema – aswinnews.com – One of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, the Task Forces of the Para Raider Infantry Battalion 503/Mayangkara Kostrad, is currently conducting mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in Nduga Regency, Papua Pegunungan Province.
On Thursday, 21 November 2024, one Post from the 503 Task Forces, Batas Batu Post conducted the “ROSITA” (Buy up Farming Products) belonging to residents from the Mumugu Village, Krepkuri District.
The Commander of 503 Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Gurbasa Samosir, has emphasized to the Soldiers that activities to help people’s difficulties in their assigned areas are the priority in the main tasks of securing the area. Therefore, on Thursday morning, the Soldiers took advantage of their routine security duty by helping the residents’ economy who selling their farming products.
During the Rosita program, the Soldiers had the opportunity to interact and communicate with the people. The Soldiers used their own pocket money to buy and use the products for their daily food. Responding to the Rosita program, the sellers were happy because the Soldiers bought up their merchandise.
One of the sellers, Mrs. Marta Tabuni, was happy with her revenue that morning and said,
“Thank you, Commander 503, for buying my farming products. God bless.”
After receiving the activity report, the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, acknowledged the 503 Task Forces’ initiative to buy up the farming products belongs to residents from Mumugu Village. His words: “The 503 Task Forces’ initiative is a testament to TNI’s commitment to help the people’s economy to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region.” This acknowledgment from the highest authority in HABEMA underscores the significant impact of such initiatives on the region’s development. It instills profound hope and optimism about their potential to shape the region’s future positively. It makes the Task Forces and the community feel recognized and appreciated for their efforts.
Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho
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