Novel Dream of Alice Bagian I

Althea Pines (songforalthea)

SMPN 3 Sindang Indramayu West Java

Summary of Story

Have you ever had a dream within a dream, or jump from one dream to another?Alice is a young girl whose dreams seem neverending. She’d wake up only to realize she’s in another dream, and another, and another. By this point, she’s forgotten the last time she truly woke up. How many dreams – or nightmares – will it take for her to finally reach HER reality?

Chapther 1

Dream Sweet Dreams [PART 1]

Chapter Tex

It was another of those days, another flitter of the eyelids as Alice came back to consciousness. Her body lay on a soft coat of grass spread across the land, whether she turned to the left or the right her vision was met with the same view, the only difference being the placement of the flowers that are sprinkled along her environs. A stretch was due, she thought, with her expression prideful and determined, and pulled her hands up in the air while she roused herself to sit up. Her blonde, almost vibrant yellow hair was blown back by a gust of wind that hit her face aggressively, so much that she needed to readjust the black bow that she had clipped behind her head. It feels real, it always does, but she’s aware that this was all an illusion of the mind.

That’s not what she was able to focus on, as her eyes were immediately locked onto the animal— an old rabbit that was pacing to and fro with such swift movements. He donned a yellow tuxedo with purple pants, crooked and tiny spectacles with a frame made of gold that barely fit his comically ginormous face. His shoes were that of a clown’s and his ears would twitch nervously with almost every step. His mouth twitched out words occasionally, but the only thing Alice could catch was “oh, my globe!”

With frail whiskers and coat white as the arctic, there’s no mistaking it.

“You!” She called as she gave herself a push to her feet and waved her hand in a desperate gesture. “You, there! The white rabbit Vernie!”

She shouted continuously at the top of her lungs yet her legs kept still. The rabbit (Vernie, as she calls him) must have heard her calls by now. She would have tried chasing after him, but that’s not how a lady should ever act, as she’d been told repeatedly by her elders. Her voice would soon give up, and silently watching him run from one bush to the other in a panicked manner would do for now. Vernie had always been the wrecked one of the bunch, she recalls it well— he’d organize every tea party and go absolutely mad at the smallest of troubles. It was exhausting to deal with, yet an endearing charm of his.

Her mind would start to drift, as always. Alice was known to be the girl who dreams more than she breathes, it’s unknown whether that’s a curse or blessing. Now, her vision was blinded by memories of her last visit to this specific dream. The little flowers sprouting from each corner, the parties they’d held, tiny animated objects would run amok between each tuft of grass.

Her last tea party was always one to remember. The sun felt kind and generous, the trees would dance with ease, following the breeze. She had sat down silently on one of the chairs, a smile shining bright across her face that challenged the sun’s pride. Each second felt like a blessing of some sort. Time had stopped and they were all at peace; no hatred, no sadness, no war, no captives, no executions without a clear cause. They were free and they were content, the only difference being their appearance and the colors of their cups.

The silence shattered moments after. Vernie had suddenly appeared from the bushes, his face was still tight and skin stuck to his flesh. He had a sense of wisdom to him as each wiggle of his nose and check of his pocket watch only added notes to the already admirable rabbit. As always, he was pacing from one area to another. The rest of the group who had yet to get a fill for their cups would only stare at him in confusion.

On the other end, next to Alice was the Hatter, smiling with glee alongside the Cheshire. They appeared devious as they always do, except one is more of an insane grin and the other is that of a smug smirk. They were always a two-in-one package, as you’d need Cheshire’s slyness in order to madden the Hatter, vice versa. It seemed as they were in on a plan, however, there was something off; something different that Alice could not put her finger on. The two were always a scheming duo, but something about their antics felt uncanny in a way. Maybe it’s how they were glancing at Vernie occasionally? Maybe it was Cheshire’s grin that felt less wide than usual? Something was out of place, and Alice is sure of it.

Minutes have flown by and no one came around to fill up their cups. Usually, someone secretly assigned by The Queen of Hearts would pull a ridiculously enormous teapot and pour tea into everybody’s cup. But for some reason, the Queen seemed restless herself.

Everyone was shivering in their seats, awaiting for the teapot to arrive. Alice was about to raise her voice but was halted by the Hatter’s hand— finally, after the anticipation had been built, Vernie looked up to the sky with a snap. Balloons! Balloons had appeared! A sudden commotion of surprise and joy contaminated those around as they jumped from one leg to another. She remembers a couple of black lines, maybe text that was blurred from the clouds, but she cared not to read them. They were rising, it seemed, as if being read from top to bottom. She paid no mind to it, focused on a giant hot air balloon that lowered to reveal an old man with a giant teapot cradled in his arms. She recalls it well, how he moved out of the basket and poured tea into all of their cups, how everyone went on to sit patiently and take their sips before they made remarks on how refreshing it tasted, it was all too good to be true. They stood back up and went back into a manic sort of state, screaming tumultuously as if it was their last.



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